
Paying Tribute

This page is dedicated to those who we wish to celebrate with as they have been a blessing to others. Being on this page indicates that either they or someone who has placed them here will help Sponsor a Boy in a significant way.

Celebrate Harry & Adeline Kaufman’s Memory with us!

Who are Harry & Adeline, or what is there to celebrate, you might ask?

Harry & Adeline Kaufman are the Grandparents of Ken Ortman, Director of LUC Boys Ranch. His birth was the event which first made them grandparents! They are the parents of six children (five living), and more than 24 grandchildren, 45 great-grandchildren, and 9 great-great-grandchildren.

Adeline lived her 100 years on farms in South Dakota which may not have had a great impact on the world, but check out the facts. First, she had a positive influence on her descendants and people in her community. Secondly, over the years she also supported a number of children in the Compassion International Program, and she was a regular correspondent and prayer supporter to two missionary couples serving in Japan and Africa over a period of years. Thirdly, and most importantly to this ministry, she and her late husband, Harry, were among the first to encourage Ken and Sheila Ortman in this endeavor to help troubled boys rebuild their lives. They stood behind Ken and Sheila in their encouragement, prayer, and financial support. Adeline Kaufman was a part of this ministry for over 20 years. She chose to support boys whose families couldn’t help with the costs of care.

She loved quilting, and then she gave pieces of her love away as she presented quilts to family members, a very generous gesture when one realizes how much time and effort goes into a pieced quilt. Many memories were also shared as different family members remembered a piece of material coming from a certain garment worn. Later on in her life, she even convinced her husband of 59 years to assist her in cutting blocks. Each of her children was given two quilts and each of her 24 grandchildren received one.

But generosity and effort did not end there. Over the last 20 years she also pieced simple tops for dozens of comforters, which were sent via Mennonite Central Committee to needy people in overseas countries. Many of these were done while she was in a retirement home and while she experienced pain. Still, she sat at her sewing machine and helped others as she was able.

Because LUC Boys Ranch had a special place in her heart, she blessed us by making a quilt. This quilt was one of the last ones made by her, through the help of those in her church, who helped with the final assembling of it. Even though this quilt was very precious to us, because it was one of the special ways in which she demonstrated her love, it was sold this year to the highest bidder and the funds raised will go to support a boy, which was dear to her heart! Adeline knew that the works done on earth, those of helping to win a life to Christ, will bear fruits for eternity!

If you would like to be a part of this celebration, you can donate funds towards helping a boy in Harry & Adeline Kaufman’s honor. Ken’s Dad, Harvey, also passed away in the Spring of 2019 and gifts may be sent in his honor. Sheila’s parents had a great influence on her life – Arnold and Virginia Ensz, who have also passed away, and you can also donate towards their memory. Perhaps you also have a loved one whose memory you wish to honor. You can mail your donation to:

LUC Boys Ranch
296 Boys Ranch Rd
Lampe, MO 65681

or call and make a credit card donation.

You will be sent a card with your name on it and the name of the person(s) you wish to honor. Also if you send us the address of the person who you would like to have acknowledgement of your gift, we will send the same thing. Feel free to also send a picture or email it to