Support Opportunities
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Monthly Support
Those of you who help provide the Ranch with Monthly Support are the backbone of this ministry. We cannot operate without you. We provide each of our contributors with a monthly letter and tax-deductible receipt. They also receive a quarterly newsletter. You are very important to us, and we appreciate your support.
Boy Sponsorships
Those of you who help provide monthly financial support towards helping a boy have the opportunity to come to LUC to change his life will receive special recognition for gifts that are $100 or more each month.
LUC does not take State contracts for the boys we care for, and most parents are unable to pay all of the necessary costs involved with residential care, especially when this includes all of the trades programs that the Ranch offers to help a boy succeed. If you are interested in this program, click here for the form to complete.
Shop at our STORE!! It is called “The Trading Post”
You can find great bargains – some new items, antiques, and just things you have always needed but couldn’t find from knick knacks to furniture. We even sell meat and some home-grown produce.
Operation Support-A-Life
As a tree needs valuable nutrients to grow and produce fruit, so does each young man that is placed at LUC. As a sponsor in Operation Support-A-Life, you will be helping a boy receive the spiritual nurturing he needs to become a strong, capable young man that will bear the fruit of hard work and self-discipline. The following represents levels of support for one young man that is placed at LUC based on his monthly expenses.
Designated Gifts
These gifts are designed to allow you to be able to choose how you want to be involved with helping LUC. The LUC Board of Directors has decided to carry out our vision and expand by replicating the LUC model. We are looking for individuals and cell groups that can help us set up more LUC residential treatment programs throughout the United States. For this reason, we are seeking corporate sponsors, individuals, Foundations, etc. who will help us in securing the funding, location, and expertise to help us accomplish this goal. We would hope that we can find that special Christian person who is willing to step up to the challenge and be our National LUC spokesperson. This person needs to understand the LUC Vision and have a desire to help boys who are at-risk to be able to experience the opportunity to change their lives.
The Ranch also has many other dreams and needs and could really use your help on special projects:
FEED the world by producing a quality beef herd that is organic. We have a small herd started but are looking for donations to help increase the herd. We want to eventually get to the stage where we can give one of every 7 animals that are donated back to the community. Communities seldom get meat products to feed the needy and so when we are able to build a meat processing plant and have a herd that goes beyond just being needed for growth, we can give meat to the local churches and hopefully reach out beyond that. We would like to create a product that will stand out for good quality meats and be able to sell our meats to the general public. At present, we produce some buffalo products and have our label on them and our recipes. However, they are done at a local inspected plant that is approved for meat sales.
The Academic Center provides the opportunity to better help boys to reach their grade level in public school; provides the facility and resources for those who are not able to attend public school; provides for an indoor recreational area; gives opportunities for the boys to enhance their artistic abilities through art and music; and provides a dining facility where everyone can eat together as a family. In addition to these, this facility is used for training purposes for parents and staff. We NEED people to volunteer to help in our school in various ways – teacher, tutor, music or art instruction, secretary, cooks helper, a good listener – so the boys can read out loud to someone, etc. We can also use upgrades to our equipment, programs, and new items to enhance our school to help our boys who have learning disabilities.
Staff Salary Package provides for the extra funding to raise the necessary funds to hire staff who can help us carry out our mission. The staff at LUC give of themselves to provide a loving environment to help the boys who come to LUC to be able to comprehend what a Christian parent model is all about. Our staff members do this out of obedience to Christ and their love for children. Many of the staff have left well-paying jobs to minister to these boys. Over the next several years, we hope to develop a support system to help us hire additional dedicated and qualified staff.
If you feel a burden on your heart to help increase staff numbers, designate this on your tax-deductible contribution. Your gift may help us find a caring family that wants to be involved in helping this ministry and perhaps make a life commitment to the work going on at LUC Boys Ranch.
Getting back half of what you give is a very unique opportunity that you will want to take advantage of. The form takes a couple of minutes of your time and helps you save a lot while providing a great opportunity to help the boys.
For more information: contact Sheila Ortman
The Mechanics Program allows people the opportunity to donate their vehicle, boat, riding mower, farm tractor, etc., to LUC and receive a tax credit for the fair market value of their donation. All they have to do is call us or bring the vehicle, sign and notarize a gift Affidavit, and present LUC with the title and the amount they have valued their gift at and LUC will provide them with a tax-deductible receipt. We not only teach the boys how to repair vehicles, we now have a dealership called “Trading Post Motors.” We sell cars that are nice and are drivable for a reasonable price. These funds go to help the boys. Our mechanics program is adding an addition by building an auto body shop. We can use funds for it and laborers.
Click here for more ways to help.