Board of Directors

This ministry is governed by a Christian Board of Directors who make policy. We are very fortunate to have dedicated people who serve as volunteers on a monthly basis to ensure that the LUC Program is the best that it can be. A survey by Orville Sweet and Associates has inspired the Board to reach out to help more boys. We are in the process of looking at ways of expansion and would like to grow the ministry to be able to help more boys as funds permit; however, we are in need of more sponsors to enable us to help more boys. Financial resources are limited and, therefore, we desire to use the funds that the Lord provides in the best possible way. Check back with us on progress in this area. Our Board also is responsible for the funds used by the Ranch, and you may find how these are used HERE.


Ken Ortman
Founder & Administrator
LUC Boys Ranch


Rodney Jans
Agriculture Commodity Procurement Engineer


Patrick McCartney
Carpenter and Tech Volunteer at LUC Ranch

Vice Chairman

Dean Baker


Gene Schlichtman
Retired Businessman


Clarence (Joe) Bachman
J & D Farms