Service Opportunities

If you have LOVE to share…   Then show you care….   

Be a part of the LUC Team!

Staff | Volunteers | Online Application (not yet available)

LUC is an expanding ministry of helping troubled boys. We are looking for special people who want to participate in helping these young men change their lives. Perhaps the Lord has given you a talent, skill, or vocation that you want to share. We have several ways in which you can work together with us as a fellow servant of the Lord. Please click a category that you feel would best work for you at this time.


Are you called of the Lord to serve, work with troubled boys, and be a loving parent role model?

Then perhaps you may want to join our LUC Team!

Boys will pattern their lives after you as their role model. Come and share your family, talents, gifts, time, and energy with these boys. Houseparents are our most valuable assets. They are the role models that the boys at LUC will pattern their lives after. There are many jobs that need to be done as well which can range from the mechanic to the cook. Go to our Employment Application and join the LUC Team today!

Located within the heart of the Ozarks, LUC provides a tranquil setting in which to raise children. Our staff have the benefit of being able to enjoy the outdoors for most of the year and can participate in the area tourist attractions near Branson, Missouri, and Eureka Springs, Arkansas. Table Rock Lake provides a lot of different types of recreational activities for all to enjoy.

The following are some of the talents that we are looking for from time to time, so please check with us if you believe you would like to serve in any of these capacities.

  • A certified teacher

  • Counselor / Program Director

  • Store Manager

  • House Parent

  • Cook

  • Fundraiser

  • Horticulturalist

  • Farm Manager

Employment Application


Set your own time and decide what skill or talent you want to share. Many of the boys long to have a grandparent figure around. You can either spend time helping the boys in various projects or help the Ranch with various types of things needing to be done. We have full-time volunteer positions, part-time, or occasional.

We would love to hear from you if you want to help us in any of these areas:

Thrift store – sorting or displaying items for resale

Woodworking – help teach the boys how to make various wood projects like walking sticks, bird houses, plaques, repurposing furniture, etc.

Mechanics – teach boys fundamental techniques – like fluid checks, vehicle inspections, air pressure in tires, and other skills in that field

Cook – help prepare a meal with our cook or help teach our boys a certain aspect like making desserts, salads, etc.

Equipment repair – this could be as small as a weed eater or lawn mower to be repaired or working on more complex areas like working on farm machinery or even do some welding.

Perhaps you have farming or carpentry skills and would just like to help out from time to time with various projects we have going. You may have a skill not listed but want to do something to help.

We have some housing available if needed and you are always welcome to join us for meals.

Give us a call at 417-779-5374 or email us at and let us know how we can work together.