Boys Ranch Admissions Information
We believe that each boy who comes to the Ranch has been sent by God for a purpose; therefore, a lot of prayer and thoughtful consideration is given as to which applicants are accepted when openings are available. Parental cooperation is very basic in our decision as well as the needs of the boy and the financial support for him. Parental cooperation is very basic in our decision as well as the needs of the boy and the financial support for him.
Parents, please go to the following file and print it. Admissions Form .pdf Then fill it out and MAIL it with a $100 processing fee, which indicates to us that you are serious about placement. Please DO NOT fax us these forms.
Mail to: LUC Boys Ranch ~ 296 Boys Ranch Rd ~ Lampe, MO 65681
Parents also need to fill out the information below. When finished, please click submit at the bottom. We, then, can assist you in receiving the help you desire concerning admission into the Lives Under Construction Boys Ranch Program. We will process your admission request and send you the additional information that is needed.
We ask the parents to help with these costs as they are able. LUC provides the opportunity for parents to help raise the necessary funds through various methods found on our parent help page. One of the most successful ways of finding funds has been for parents to seek Sponsors who will give monthly tax deductible gifts of $10 or more. Sponsors are normally families, friends, churches, and other community based sources in their area such as foundations, civic groups, businesses, corporations, etc. Getting others involved helps provide a support group, extra people to help pray, and also involves the community in helping their youth become responsible citizens that will benefit that community in years to come. To participate in this program, donors can find at this website our mail in Sponsorship Forms, which can be copied and mailed. If you are a SPONSOR, please fill out the form to help us link the boy you are helping with your gift.
Even though parents are seeking Sponsorships, most are not able to raise all of the funds that are needed and we need the help of anyone who wishes to help make a difference in a boy’s life. The following ON-LINE Forms allows you to choose a boy that you would like to Sponsor. Your gift will make it possible for perhaps a single mother who is struggling just to meet the needs of each new day to find the help she needs for her son not to end up in the streets or in jail. Many of our PARENTS need your help.
When a boy is accepted into the LUC Program, those who have signed up to sponsor him will be notified.
After we receive your gift, we will send a thank-you letter, a short update on the boy’s progress, and a tax deductible receipt.
We believe that each boy who comes to the Ranch has been sent by God for a purpose; therefore, a lot of prayer and thoughtful consideration is given as to which applicants are accepted when openings are available.
Boys Ranch Admissions Information
Parental cooperation is very basic in our decision as well as the needs of the boy and the financial support for him.
Parents, please go to the following file and print it.
Then fill it out and MAIL it with a $100 processing fee, which indicates to us that you are serious about placement.
Please DO NOT fax us these forms.
Mail to: LUC Boys Ranch ~ 296 Boys Ranch Rd ~ Lampe, MO 65681
Parents need to fill out our .
By filling out the information below, we can assist you in receiving the help you desire concerning admission into the Lives Under Construction Boys Ranch Program.
Please click on “Submit” button when you are done.
We will process your admission request and send you the additional information that is needed.
Admissions Request
This is an explanation of the purpose of the form …
Please provide the following contact information:
First Name | |
Last Name | |
Place of Employment | |
Boys Name | |
Date of Birth of Boy | |
Street Address | |
Address (cont.) | |
City | |
State/Province | |
Zip/Postal Code | |
Country | |
Best Time to Call | |
Phone | |
FAX | |
How did you hear of the Ranch | web browser Friend or Family Church or Civic Group TV or Radio Other |
Comments | |
We ask the parents to help with these costs as they are able. LUC provides the opportunity for parents to help raise the necessary funds through various methods found on our parent support page. One of the most successful ways of finding funds has been for parents to seek Sponsors who will give monthly tax deductible gifts of $10 or more. Sponsors are normally families, friends, churches, and other community based sources in their area such as foundations, civic groups, businesses, corporations, etc. Getting others involved helps provide a support group, extra people to help pray, and also involves the community in helping their youth become responsible citizens that will benefit that community in years to come. To participate in this program, donors can find at this website our mail in Sponsorship Forms, which can be copied and mailed. If you are a SPONSOR, please fill out the form to help us link the boy you are helping with your gift.
Even though parents are seeking Sponsorships, most are not able to raise all of the funds that are needed and we need the help of anyone who wishes to help make a difference in a boy’s life. The following ON-LINE Forms allows you to choose a boy that you would like to Sponsor. Your gift will make it possible for perhaps a single mother who is struggling just to meet the needs of each new day to find the help she needs for her son not to end up in the streets or in jail. Many of our PARENTS need your help.
When a boy is accepted into the LUC Program, those who have signed up to sponsor him will be notified.
After we receive your gift, we will send a thank-you letter, a short update on the boy’s progress, and a tax deductible receipt.